GiGi is in town this week so we were able to have her over for a nice dinner on Tuesday night. Always nice to get to visit and Maddy was VERY excited.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
We love GiGi!
GiGi is in town this week so we were able to have her over for a nice dinner on Tuesday night. Always nice to get to visit and Maddy was VERY excited.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Car talks
Maddy: Mom, today I went down the spiral slide on my tummy while I held my nose.
Me: Really? Why would you hold your nose?
Maddy: Because Catherine told me to.
Me: I know but why would you do that? What was the point of holding your nose?
Maddy: Mom, because Catherine told me to.
Me: Well, if Catherine told you to jump off a bridge would you do that?
Maddy: MOM! I'm not talking about a bridge, I'm talking about the spiral slide.
Probably need to work on that concept again later.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hannah Dean - 9 month check up
Stats are as follows:
Weight – 19lbs (50%)
Height – 27 ¾ inches (50%)
*Almost identical to Maddy’s 9 month measurements in case you were curious.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Christmas Tree Farm - Road Trip!
We had a really nice time. After about a 2 hour drive we were there. Nice weather and a great place in Boone, NC. We took about 20-30 minutes to find our tree. One lesson in this for me was how overwhelming that process is. After looking at 5 trees, they all start to look the same. We eventually found "the one" and proceeded with the process of trimming and then attaching it to the roof of the car. We packed a lunch and sat with cider and enjoyed a really great family moment. I'm still pretty sure that Maddy was more impressed with the goats than cutting her own Christmas tree. Oh well. I LOVE our tree. It's beautiful and looks like it was made for our living room.
Check out our website for more photos.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving Day Parade
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
Halloween this year was a week long event! Our first event was the Fall Festival at Chesterbrook Academy on 10/25/11. PERFECT weather made the outdoor festival a great time. Grandma and Grandpa were able to come and watch Maddy play all the games over and over and over. All of the classes had a competition to decorate pumpkins and Maddy's class won! The prize was an ice cream party. Such a cute little spider family.
Our second event was the Fall Festival at Oak Grove UMC on 10/31/11. Maddy was very excited to play the games this year. Now that she's a little older she is able to play almost all of them and enjoyed traded her tickets for a turn in line. Apparently another benefit of being a year older is no longer having to do the cake walk with Mom and Dad. She wanted NOTHING to do with us. She didn't win so maybe that had something to do with it. I'm just saying...every other year we have returned home with a homemade plates of goodies.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Visit to the Pumpkin Patch
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Big Bird chair
Matt with the chair in 1982
Sunday, September 18, 2011
She's been scooting around for a couple weeks now but last night while cooking dinner, we turned around to find her in the dog bowl (about 5-7 feet from where we left her). Within 20 minutes she also found the computer cords and the door stop behind her bedroom door. Life as we know it is changing. Time to lock everything and move into "nothing is allowed on the floor" mode. I will try to get more video - this one is from about a week ago when she was still in the inch worm status.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Moving up in the world
Well, maybe not in the world but at least at school. Maddy moved up to the next class at school this week and the transition has been a little difficult. Her teachers are great but I think the change in schedule has been a little challenging. I think this class (officially known as Room 5) is a lot more like school and a lot less like daycare. Having said that, the schedule may be new but she is learning a LOT so it's hard to complain. They have a responsibility wall so each child has something they are responsible for every day like cleaning up after lunch, turning off the lights, holding the door, etc. And in just one week she has come home each day with something new she learned so that is great news! Learning words that rhyme, new Spanish words and syllables are just a few of the things she has absorbed so I'm impressed and she seems excited to show off her new knowledge. This video is one of my favorites. Maddy is practicing her syllables and for some reason Hannah Dean is LOVING it - noted by the full body chuckle.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Maddy's 1st baseball game
She wasn't sure what to think at first and her main concern was at what point during the game were we going to buy her the ice cream we'd promised. We had great seats about 10 rows up from the Knights dugout so we were able to spend lots of time watching the mascot, Homer the Dragon. As with most things in costume, Maddy was excited but not excited enough to walk down there to say hello :) So we kept our distance and just waved. Matt and Maddy enjoyed a hot dog while I ate enough nachos to make a grown man sick. We then moved on to popcorn which Maddy held and rationed a piece for each of us, one by one.
After the 7th inning stretch we left our seats for the play area. Maddy was able to play a few games and even managed to get in the inflatable bouncy house by herself. After the games we went and stood in a 20 minute line for ice cream in a souvenir baseball hat. It was SO worth it! We found a nice spot on the general admission grass and she ate every last drop. I was a nervous wreck but this grassy area is the place where the parents that don't want to watch their kids sit. So the parents are laid out on a blanket somewhere while their kids proceed to roll down the hill over and over until they throw up. Definitely a new experience for Maddy and Mommy did her best to try and just go with it!
Last stop on the way home was the gift shop where the option to pick one thing had been promised. Prices are so affordable so you really don't have to worry about the kids wanting something crazy. Maddy's pick was a foam Homer the Dragon hat. Let's just say, I'm glad she's so cute because very few people could pull this thing off.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hannah Dean - 6 month check up
Well I’m happy to report that we have a happy, healthy 6 month old baby. Today was Hannah’s 6 month well visit and we survived. She is doing great and growing just perfectly. Almost all of her more recent milestones have been reached within the last 3 weeks. Rolling both directions, sitting up without assistance, putting herself to sleep and sleeping through the night. She is also rocking on her knees and hands so it’s just a matter of time before she starts to crawl. She has two teeth and the doctor says it’s possible she could have 6 more by the time we visit next time in November. This makes my head want to explode but we will hope for the best! She had to have 3 shots today and had a fever within an hour but she’s had Tylenol and a little nap and seems to be just fine.
Her eczema is still bad and they recommended olive oil today so that should be interesting. It’s also possible that she’s allergic to sweet potatoes but we will try again in a couple of weeks to see if maybe it was just a coincidence. There are definitely worse things but a life without sweet potatoes just doesn’t seem like much fun to me J They think we should continue the special formula instead of trying to get her on the “normal” formula. We are going to take this advice because the benefit of saving a few dollars a can isn’t worth the nightmare we remember with the original formula. Everyone we meet says “she’s the happiest baby!” Knowing what a rough time Hannah (and mommy & daddy) has had – this statement is music to my ears! She seems to have really turned the corner and we are so grateful.
All in all, a great doctor visit with a star patient! Stats are as follows:
Weight – 16 pounds, 1 ounce (50-75%)
Height – 25 3/8 inches (25-50%) ***I’m sure that Matt wants everyone to know she is closer to 50% than 25%. He thinks Hannah will be the tall one J
Head – 42 cm (50-75%)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Every man's dream...
I'm the first to admit that I talk alot. I've been guilty of catching myself saying something that was so insignificant and it was really just because I felt the need to speak. I've had a cold this week and this happens to me 3-4 times a year. I get a simple little cold and before I have a chance to get better, I loose my voice. Probably an answer to Matt's prayers but a little frustrating for me. Especially difficult with two children that still require interaction even if Mommy can't say anything.
The point of all of this is to say that when this happens I usually start by being frustrated. But having had over a day now of not really hearing myself talk, I've determined this can be a blessing in disguise. Do you ever really just sit and listen? I mean truly listen to what's going on around you? It's amazing how the world continues to spin even without every little remark we think is so important. Meetings continue to function, children are fed and safely in bed, husbands are still watching baseball and pretending to listen even though you're not really talking.
I've decided that having 1-2 days/3 times a year of just listening can be really beneficial. You notice the important things because you aren't so busy worrying about the next thing you want to spew out of your mouth. So, while my husband's dream will soon come to end when my voice returns, I recommend you try this sometime. Hopefully you can complete the experiment without having the head cold. Take a day or two to just listen. It's amazing what you can hear when it's quiet.
Papa Clint
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hannah Dean is 4 months old!
6/27/2011 – Update from 4 month check up
Weight – 13 lbs, 15 oz (50-75%)
Height – 24 ¾ inches (75%)
Head circ. – 16 inches (50%)
The pediatrician said Hannah is right on track both developmentally and physically. She actually said that Hannah is displaying some advanced verbal skills – so funny how your reaction to statements like these change with the second child. With Maddy that was so exciting! With Hannah we secretly hoped she would be the quite one. Her tummy is not quite ready for rice cereal yet so we will hold off for another month or so and then give it a try. As you can see, her weight has leveled off a little bit. Now that we have her stomach problems under control, we no longer feel the need to feed her every time she cries. The result is a weight in the 50th percentile vs. a weight in the 90th percentile like when she was 2 months old! She received shots but seemed to handle them well. A little sleepy but not fussy. Next appt will be in August for her 6 month check up.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The latest happenings...
- Successfully completed her spring semester of dance and music class at school. She is registered for a great summer camp at her school and his having a really tough time deciding on her summer, music, soccer or tae kwon do. Decisions, Decisions. I tried to explain to her that we just can't spend the money to do all of them so we will let this be her first big lesson in making a tough decision :)
- Tomorrow morning bright and early Maddy is getting on the plane with Mommy and Hannah to head to Texas for her 2nd annual summer vacation! 3 weeks in the Texas sun. She will return to Charlotte the first weekend in July. Maddy's excited, Mommy's excited and Daddy is a mess!
- Maddy continues to be a bright and witty ray of sunshine in my life. Her personality is really starting to show itself with her singing, dancing and WILD imagination. And luckily, she continues to be an amazing big sister with nothing but love and sweetness for little Hannah.
- Beginning to turn a corner. We had 2 really good weeks toward the end of May. She began sleeping through the night and seemed to be easing up on the fussiness. She's definitely a different baby than she was a month ago. We are back to waking up once in the middle of the night but she literally eats and goes back to sleep so I'm not going to complain.
- Personality is starting to shine! She's happy in the morning, prefers little cat naps throughout the day and like most of the Hennig's/Woodson's/Hecht's I know....she gets rather cranky if a meal is late. :)
- Definitely a thumb sucker! It seems to comfort her through the majority of the day and it appears as though we may be starting the teething process because her whole hand is being used frequently as a chew toy.
- 2 prescriptions and a pediatrician visit later we may finally have an EXTREME diaper rash that is on the mend. Her special formula for her allergy causes some unfortunate tummy side affects so we have been dealing with that now for about 10 days. Looks to be on the mend so we are grateful. 13 lbs. 8 ounces was the weight at the dr visit on Monday.
Matt and Holly:
- Both busy with work (I went back on May 9th)
- Starting to get into the groove of our new "two kid" routine. It's taken us a couple of months but we seem to hitting our stride.
- We will miss Maddy over the next few weeks but looking forward to some of conveniences of only having to drag one child all over the place :) Matt doesn't know it yet but I have lots of projects in mind for the month of June!
All in all, everything is going really well. Busy, hectic, exhausting and wouldn't change it for the world!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Bad Dreams
So, Saturday afternoon the tears started again when it was time for nap because she didn't want to have "yucky" dreams. I explained to Maddy that she needs to think of things that make her happy when she goes to sleep so she can dream about that instead. We rattled off a few things that make her happy like butterflies, baby dolls, glitter, etc. She made it through nap without incident. The same thing happened Saturday night before bed so I started the "what makes you happy" conversation again. The evening answers were much different. My favorite response being...the laundry hamper! If there were any doubt before it is official now that this child is mine! Putting laundry in the hamper, washing it and folding makes my little peanut happy! Happy enough that she wants to dream about it :) Some find this troubling and my response is whatever your opinion about my type A personality and that of my worked because we slept all night!!!!
**Unfortunate side note - Maddy's nightmares Friday night were the final straw to convince her some things are worth getting out of the bed. All this time we've had the kid that refuses to get out of bed without someone coming to tell her it's ok. This has been amazing as we hear others complain about finding their kid in the playroom at 5am. Well scary farm dreams convinced Maddy to come find Mommy and Daddy so now she knows the world won't end if she gets out of bed. This morning after a laundry filled restful sleep I found Maddy sitting in the dark, on the couch, waiting patiently for someone to wake up at 6:40am!
Friday, May 13, 2011
St. Jude Trike-A-Thon was a SUCCESS!
Well, the Trike-A-Thon is over and it was a success with only a few traffic accidents which I consider a success with 15 three year olds riding bikes around cones.
Maddy’s stats:
Ride Time – 20 minutes
Total Laps – 11 (I’m not counting the laps where she was going the wrong direction)
Number of times she stopped to talk to friends – 6
Number of times she actually used the pedals to push – 0
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A good week...
Maddy is still on cloud nine from her dance recital last week. She keeps showing us her dance moves whenever she gets the chance. It’s a pretty quiet week for her at school except for Friday. Maddy is participating in the St.Jude Trike-A-Thon in the school parking lot. Should be entertaining to see with all those little kids “riding” around in circles. We haven’t even told her about it yet because we knew it would be non-stop questions until Friday. We will save that news for Thursday night in an effort to give her a reason to go to bed.
We had a pretty bad storm here last night around 12:15am that woke everyone in the house except the girls. Lots of the rain, thunder, lightning and about 15 minutes of hail between a quarter and golf ball size. I thought the windows would break any minute but Maddy and Hannah both snored their way through the storm. I will never understand how a baby wakes up when the car stops moving but can sleep through thunder that shakes the house!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My little dreamer...
The type A in me really wanted to send her to school with a law book or a stethoscope but that is not currently her dream :) For now, we will work toward the goal of butterfly!
Hannah Dean - 2 month check up
Yesterday was Hannah Dean’s 2 month check up with the pediatrician. I’m happy to say that she is doing just great and Mommy and Daddy are not in trouble for over feeding her J
She is definitely a little chunk weighing in at 12 lbs 6 ounces (90%) and 22 inches long (50%). That’s a 3 pound gain from a month ago if you’re keeping up. However, the doctor did not have any concerns related to her weight. It does appear that Hannah has a milk allergy and colic. The two of them combined are making for some interesting days. They told us that we have her on the right formula and to keep doing what we’re doing in terms of trying to soothe her. We are going to try some new things with where and how she sleeps at night to see if that makes a difference and if not we will just wait it out. The good news is that the milk allergy is probably something she will grow out of as she becomes a toddler so it’s not likely to be something we have to deal with much past 12-18 months old. It does look like Hannah is going to be a thumb sucker so over the next month or so she may get a little better at helping to soothe herself – one can dream!
Anyway, she is going great – growing and changing as she should. Each day gets a little easier and those little smiles we are now receiving make it all worth it!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Maddy - 3 year check up
We decided to keep Maddy home from school yesterday and went to Mommy and Daddy's offices to visit with all of our co-workers. It was a long day for Mommy but Maddy had fun and Hannah hung in there pretty well. A nap was required for all when once we made it home :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Maddy May!
Three years ago at this exact moment you entered the world as a blue eyed, brown haired firecracker! Not much has changed. Your eyes are almost green now but you are still a firecracker. For someone who plans every aspect of my every were the greatest surprise I could ever ask for. At three years old, you are the most independent, intelligent little girl I know! When you were born, you were 2 weeks early - proving you would do things your way and you are still that way. You observe everything around you and make your own decisions. I hope that never changes and you continue to travel your own path.
You are caring and loving and a GREAT big sister! You love Hannah with all your heart and she is going to be so lucky to have you to look up to over the years. I wake up everyday and thank God for you - you are a gift! Your mommy and daddy have had times in our lives when we didn't make the best decisions but you and your sister will always be our greatest accomplishment! Nothing will ever compare to the love we have for you.
My birthday wish for you is that you continue to be just the way you are. Be sweet, be kind and be loving. Don't ever stop wanting everything in your life to be covered in glitter! Life is better with sparkles.
We love you Maddy May,
Mommy and Daddy
Monday, March 28, 2011
Maddy/Hannah - Photo Shoot
I need to buy stock in baby carriers!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hannah - 1 month
Below are her 1 month stats:
Weight: 9lbs 4 ounces (50%)
Height: 20 1/4 inches (25%)
Head: 14 1/4 inches (25%)
We are blessed beyond words!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Staples and Stickers
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Welcome Hannah Dean!
Last Wednesday (2/23) we went for our 40 week appointment only to find out that I had not progressed and we were scheduled to be induced at 7am on Friday (2/25) morning. Induction was certainly not my first choice but given the smooth labor experience I had with Maddy, I was hoping for the best. Many friends and family gave encouragement and were praying Hannah would decide to come on her own time. Well, it worked!
I woke up Thursday morning and actually told Matt that I didn't really feel that well and "IT" might happen that day. We were still speaking in code so as not to make a big fuss in front of Maddy but I definitely felt that some different was going on that day. I cleaned all morning like a mad woman and then went to lunch with Heather. We decided to up the game so I ate a little Mexican food :) All through lunch I was having contractions. They were uncomfortable but not consistent. I had plans to run errands after lunch but by the time I left I was uncomfortable enough that I decided I should head home. From there more cleaning happened - stupid things like the sliding glass door. It was crazy, I would vacuum and then stop to have a contraction.
Matt came home at 5:30pm and got Maddy's bag because she was planning to stay the night with Grandpa due to the induction scheduled for the following morning. By the time he returned home at 6:10pm, I could no longer carry on a conversation. Within 30 minutes the contractions were 3 minutes apart. We left for the hospital at 7pm, had an epidural by 8pm and Hannah Dean Hecht was born at 9:30pm. It was fast, dramatic and unbelievable! She is doing great and I will try to do better with my posting! Big sister Maddy is handling it very well, at least for now. She loves her baby sister and needs a little extra attention from Daddy every now and then.
February 24, 2011
9:30 pm
7lbs. 9 oz
20 inches
Friday, February 4, 2011
Doctor Update - 37 Weeks and 1 day
Will keep everyone posted!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Making Progress...
Maddy and I also made cookies - needless to say I had to do a little re-arranging before placing in the oven.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What I learned from Ganny...
- God is #1
- Family is next
- There's always time to give to someone else in need
- The kitchen is the heart of the home and food is the way to the heart
Ganny, I think about you often and miss you each day. You left behind a void for everyone that knew you. I'm honored and excited to welcome our little girl Hannah Dean into this world with your name.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Snow days have turned into sick days...
And now for the mean mom award - a picture of Maddy after the nurse checked her temperature. From the looks of things you would think this was a very traumatic experience but from what dad told me, this was an under the arm thermometer so it's possible Maddy was being a little dramatic.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
34 Weeks...It's the Final Countdown
My doctor's appointment was rescheduled for today and everything is going great. My blood pressure is back to my normal level after a few visits with elevated numbers. Not really elevated for your average person but elevated for me, the girl who is constantly asked if I'm still breathing when they check my blood pressure. Hannah's heart beat was great and she is measuring right on schedule. Estimated at almost 5 pounds.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Stuck Inside
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Snow Day #1
For today, just wanted to post a few pictures of our first big 2011 snow fall! The weather forecasts were actually correct and almost as if set to an alarm, the beautiful snow started to fall around 3am Monday morning. In total, we probably received 5-6 inches at our house with surrounding areas receiving 3-7 inches. I love looking at the snow, as long as I can stay home. Maddy's school closed Monday so we were able to stay home and Matt's office closed early so he was able to come home in time for a snow ball fight. I use that phrase loosely as it was really Maddy throwing snow balls and then screaming if you tried to throw one back at her.
We are home again today now that a layer of ice covers the beautiful snow.
P.S. For those needing a baby update. I will be 34 weeks on Thursday and I'm really starting to feel it now. This second baby thing is hard. With Maddy, I just sat on the sofa when I was tired. That doesn't work so well now that I have an almost 3 year old running around the house. I'm surviving though. Back pain and some contractions but they clearly aren't the kind that cause labor. Seriously doubt I will make it to my due date but we'll see. Next doctor's appointment scheduled for Monday, January 17th.