Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow days have turned into sick days...

Here we are, Friday morning and we are home AGAIN! Maddy got a fever Tuesday night and didn't really get better so Matt stayed home with her yesterday and was able to get her in to see the pediatrician. Ear infection :( It's been a while since we had one of those and Maddy doesn't ever say that her ear hurts. She kept complaining about the "tears in her eyes" and boogers in her nose but it wasn't until late Wednesday night she said her left ear was itching...we knew that probably wasn't a good thing. So, since we've already paid for an entire week of school that didn't happen, what's one more day? I just figure I should keep her home and let her get back to 100% so we don't have a repeat of this next week.

And now for the mean mom award - a picture of Maddy after the nurse checked her temperature. From the looks of things you would think this was a very traumatic experience but from what dad told me, this was an under the arm thermometer so it's possible Maddy was being a little dramatic.

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