Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hannah Dean - 2 month check up

Today my little Hannah is 9 weeks old and according to the pediatrician...not so little anymore :)

Yesterday was Hannah Dean’s 2 month check up with the pediatrician. I’m happy to say that she is doing just great and Mommy and Daddy are not in trouble for over feeding her J

She is definitely a little chunk weighing in at 12 lbs 6 ounces (90%) and 22 inches long (50%). That’s a 3 pound gain from a month ago if you’re keeping up. However, the doctor did not have any concerns related to her weight. It does appear that Hannah has a milk allergy and colic. The two of them combined are making for some interesting days. They told us that we have her on the right formula and to keep doing what we’re doing in terms of trying to soothe her. We are going to try some new things with where and how she sleeps at night to see if that makes a difference and if not we will just wait it out. The good news is that the milk allergy is probably something she will grow out of as she becomes a toddler so it’s not likely to be something we have to deal with much past 12-18 months old. It does look like Hannah is going to be a thumb sucker so over the next month or so she may get a little better at helping to soothe herself – one can dream!

Anyway, she is going great – growing and changing as she should. Each day gets a little easier and those little smiles we are now receiving make it all worth it!

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