Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maddy - 3 year check up

Yesterday was Maddy's 3 year check up at the pediatrician and I'm happy to report that she's doing great! Maddy is 36 inches tall (50%) and weighs 29 pounds (25%). I continue to wonder where all the food goes. I'm not sure how's it's possible to eat all that food and be in the 25th percentile for weight :) She's right on track with all her developmental goals and of course showed off for the doctor.

We decided to keep Maddy home from school yesterday and went to Mommy and Daddy's offices to visit with all of our co-workers. It was a long day for Mommy but Maddy had fun and Hannah hung in there pretty well. A nap was required for all when once we made it home :)

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