Saturday, March 5, 2011

Staples and Stickers

So I knew this toddler and newborn thing would be interesting but good Lord! Thursday night was not what I had in mind. For some reason I was having a stressful evening and really needed Maddy to have a distraction so I could breathe and accomplish something. So, Matt offered to trick her into folding laundry (she still thinks that's a fun game). They went into our bedroom to fold laundry, listen to music and dance a little. I proceeded to clean the kitchen. 15 minutes into to this blissful distraction and I heard the THUD! An awful noise that immediately made me sick to my stomach because I new it meant bad news. Apparently laundry and dancing turned into playing on the bed which resulted in a fall into the corner of the nightstand. Matt ran into the kitchen with Maddy and began applying pressure to her head. I'm definitely not a medical expert but it appeared she would probably need stitches, if not, at least a proper cleaning and bandage to keep it from getting infected. So, I called Grandma while Matt got things together. It ended up that Urgent Care was able to take care of her which saved Matt from spending hours in the ER waiting room while singing his ABCs. Here I am though, at home while my "baby" goes to the doctor with her head bleeding. This will be the first of many times that Daddy steps up and Mommy has to stay behind but it was rough.
Anyway, the doctor recommended STAPLES as opposed to stitches due to her young age and the fact that the cut was back in her hair and we would never see the scar. Maddy was a ROCK STAR! Matt and I were much more traumatized by the event than she was. He said she sat in the office so quiet while they waited 2 hours! When it came time for the staples, he said she barely made a peep. Not sure if that was fear or the fact that is was 2 hours past bedtime. Regardless, she did great. They returned home around 10:15pm with three Dora stickers and a sugar free lollipop! It amazes me what a 3 year old will tolerate when stickers and lollipops are promised. It's a good thing she didn't know that Mommy and Daddy felt so guilty we probably would've purchased a car if she'd asked for one :)

Maddy's eyes while in the waiting room

Picture of the boo-boo before the staples

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