Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Texas Stories

I was talking to my mom yesterday and reminded of another funny Texas story. While Maddy was in Texas, Nana decided to take all the grandkids (6 total, ages 10 months - 10 years)and get their pictures made together. Taking one child for pictures is enough so I give her lots of credit in the bravery department. My future sister-in-law Brandi went too so that was helpful. Anyway, the story goes that they're all dressed in their Red/White/Blue 4th of July best and everyone was being so great...everyone except for Maddy. She wasn't bad, just being her normal stubborn self and she didn't feel like smiling so she just wasn't going to smile. It's as simple as that. This was my biggest fear for these pictures - "Please don't let my kid be the one that ruins the pictures." So, they try everything. Horns, silly toys, etc. Maddy continues to not smile while all the other kids stand there with their faces frozen with a smile for Nana. And then Maddy says to the photographer, "I being a stinker!" Everyone laughed and Maddy started to smile. Pictures were taken and life was good. Apparently, Nana and Papa would tell Maddy that she was being a stinker when she was acting silly or stubborn and she clearly understood the context. So, she decided that picture day would be a great time to practice being a stinker. Nana and Papa are still laughing about that and the pictures came in this week and Mom says they're great! Thank goodness!

A few things Maddy has talked about this week related to Texas:
1. The golf cart - she wishes we had one
2. The boat on the lake - she wishes we had one
3. "Star" the cow - she wishes we had one
4. Puffy chips - Memaw bought puffy cheetos for Maddy and she wants more
5. Her quilt - Memaw is making Maddy a ladybug quilt and Maddy is still talking about it.

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