Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Maddy's People

Had to take Maddy to the Dermatologist today. I won't get into all the details but she has some skin issues that have been going on for a few months so I decided to make an appointment. The good news is that it doesn't appear to be anything a prescription steroid won't fix. The bad news is that I have to take the prescription to the pharmacy and I'm sure it's some crazy $200 a bottle thing. Oh well, healthy skin is important, right?

The point of this post is to share Maddy's behavior at the doctor's office. She was great! Funny and great! I guess she wasn't scared because I've been telling her that we were going and I needed her to show the doctor her boo-boos so he could make them all better. So we get there and out of now where, she's starts calling everyone "her peoples." I have NO idea where this came from but every time the doctor and the nurse would leave the room, she would say, "Where my peoples go?" I tried to explain to her that this wasn't a show on MTV/BET and they were not her "people." They are the Doctor and the Nurse and they have names. She didn't care. So, she proceeded to call them her people and when they would come back into the room she would say, "There my people!" Luckily, the staff found it amusing :)

On another note - Maddy called Nana last night and Nana made the mistake of telling Maddy that next time it was time for a visit, Nana and Papa would come to Charlotte to see Maddy. The conversation continued and they hung up. Then Maddy proceeded to spend the next 10 minutes waiting at the door for Nana :( A crying fit started and I had to leave the room. Somehow Matt explained that Nana didn't mean she was coming to visit today. So, lesson learned....we are not at the age where talking about coming to visit makes everyone feel better. Next time we will know.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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