Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Today was a big day for Maddy at school. Every Tuesday during the summer they have water play day. They wear their swimsuits and go outside to play in the water. They normally have some type of learning activity or game that involves the water. Today was special. It was beach day and they had a starfish there for the kids to touch. Maddy's teacher said that she loved it! It was still alive and moving around and that didn't seem to bother her one bit. The funny part is that when you ask Maddy about the starfish, she says it was real soft with eggs all over it :) Funny how a two year old visually processes things. Anyway, she had a great time and told me that maybe it would be there tomorrow so I could touch it.

On another note, we've graduated from saying we're mad. Recently, Maddy says she's mad about a lot of things. And she recognizes when I'm mad at her. But today, she said, "Mommy, I'm angry." A little girl at school, we'll call her Susie, took Maddy's blocks as she was leaving today. And on the way home Maddy explained that she was angry with Susie. Except she says that she's angry AT Susie. And then I ask why are you angry and she says, "because I are!" I love these little conversations.

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