Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Name and Time Out

How important is a name really? I consider it very important and my most common name lately is Mommy. However, here lately Maddy has decided that Mommy is her last choice when calling my "name." In the past 24 hours she has called me Holly, Mom and my favorite Mommy May. She uses this one when she is really trying to get my attention and I'm not paying attention. MOMMY MAY! For anyone reading this that doesn't know, my middle name is May and so is Maddy's. Part of me thinks this is hilarious and the other part isn't sure if I should correct her or not. When she calls me Holly, I remind her that my name is Mommy. She's two so in most cases she's yelling, regardless of what she's calling me :)

On another note, Maddy is starting to recognize when she's done something wrong and feels guilty. She puts herself in time out!!!!! Twice this weekend she put herself in time out for talking ugly to Mommy. Hey, I can use the help so I'm letting her roll with it! If she could only learn to change her own diaper we would have it made!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My God! You have the funniest stories of Maddie! She is so bright. The things kids say is just amazing to me. I mean there was a time not long ago they could not utter a word. It just amazes me how much kids learn from their parents' attitude, tone and choice of words. Matt and yourself have truly done an amazing job with this little girl! You have ta love you some MADDIE MAY! _ RAE
