Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

Monday, April 5th 2010 - my sweet angel baby turned two years old and sang Happy Birthday to herself while we waited on a delayed flight at DFW for 2 hours. And then she became not so much of an angel baby! WOW! Terrible two's are upon us in full force. We have a VERY independent, stubborn, smart little girl on our hands. In the last 24 hours Matt and I have gone from laughing at her witty comments to having to leave the room because she is about to make our hair fall out. She's tired and it's been a long week so I know that has something to do with it. Anyway, she's testing her boundaries - isn't that what the therapists call it? She's learning and I'm grateful for that and I'm sure this will be the first of many terrible two blog topics!

Tommorow is her birthday party at school and I'm hoping she can stay out of time out long enough to give the kids their bags of dollar store toys that all of their parents can't wait to throw away as soon as they get them home! :)

And now I feel bad because I just had to pause writing this post because I heard "Mommy, Mommy! I made a mess in my bed." I went into her room to find vomit on her sheet that appeared to be a mix of lady bug cupcake and ravioli. Apparently the birthday excitement finally caught up with us. Should be an interesting night.

My birthday wish for my baby is that every year is a week long birthday celebration with family, friends and happiness. Hopefully they don't all conclude with an upset stomach!

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