Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Daily Report Card

Thanks for the emails and Facebook comments today as Maddy is feeling much better. She went to school today and managed to go all day without a phone call so that was good news. The bad news is that her daily "report card" provided some not so positive feedback. Apparently Maddy was mean to her friends at school today. She is the oldest one in her class so Matt is convinced that she is frustrated that they can't do the things she can do or communicate with her because they're smaller. Regardless of the reason, she is bossy and has started making a habit of the comment on the bottom of the daily report (twice in one week). We both feel comfortable having the school put her in time out because let's face it - trying to discipline a 2 year old six hours after something happens isn't that productive. The teacher says that it was probably a result of her being out a few days. With that I give a big sigh because we leave for Texas tomorrow night and she will not be back in school until Tuesday! Her birthday party at school is next week so let's just hope she can be nice long enough for the other kids to come to her party - I'm making the gift bags and I don't want all those great dollar store toys to go to waste :)


  1. We are going to save some of those toys for Daddy to play with right?

  2. Ha! You will probably enjoy them more than the kids receiving the toys. I'll save you a jump rope.

  3. In yiddish there is a saying that children should bring their parents NACHAS which means joy and happiness and a sense of pride. Maybe I am biased but I see so much of that in Matt and Holly.
