Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So many stories for just one day...

Let me first start with a big "God Bless the stay at home moms!" I've said this before but anyone that says that's not a real job is insane! One day with a sick toddler and I keep thinking to myself, I'm not sure how they do this. My brain is pushed to the limit on these days as I'm constantly forced to be creative, understanding, patient, etc - most of which you can get away with not doing in your work environment on some days :)

Anyway, so we stayed home today with a fever and no other symptoms to explain the fever. Scheduled a doctor's appointment for 11:00 am and of course once we get there she is running circles around the waiting room and turning on the charm that was completely non-existent 30 minutes prior. By the time we get to the Dr, the fever is gone and the doctor gives me that polite "I can't believe you brought your kid in here" smile. Selfishly, we are getting ready to travel and if they were going to load her up on meds, I wanted her to have them now.

One of the interesting moments of the day occurred while we were in the waiting room. You should know that anytime Maddy looks at a man that remotely looks like Matt - she starts asking for Daddy. So, the man is checking his child in at the desk and Maddy looks at him and says, "Where's Daddy?" I explain to her that Daddy's at work, blah, blah and she looks at me, looks at the man and then proceeds to make it known to the 12 other people in the waiting room - "NO, Mommy - him not my daddy!" I wanted to crawl under one of those miniature tables and sit for a bit. Hopefully they noticed the wedding ring on my finger and if not they probably got a giggle out of the fact that my daughter made it look like we were at the pediatrician's office hunting for a daddy :)

Other notable quotes of the day include:

"Look Mommy, a princess." This was in the waiting room and there were princess stickers on the windows. "Maddy, are you a princess?" "No mommy, I not Princess - I BIG GIRL!"

Maddy is running around the bed growling so I ask her what type of Monster she is. No answer. "Maddy, are you a dragon?" "No mommy, I purple dinosaur!"

Love this little girl and her fantastic imagination! A lot of work but being able to sit back at the end of the day and share things like this is the best.

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