Friday, April 23, 2010

Melting Mommy's Heart

Today was one of those days - a melt your heart day. A little background first. Matt had a dinner to go to for work tonight so it was going to be me and Maddy for the night. It's so beautiful today and I hated to just pick her up from school and come home so I decided we would take a little picnic to the park and try to feed a few ducks. By picnic, I mean we went to Chick-fil-A for nuggets and apple juice. We took our food and headed to the park. After we found the perfect place, we sat and had the most peaceful dinner EVER! Someone even walked by and asked how old Maddy was and when I said two, they couldn't believe she was sitting still for so long. It was the greatest thing. Mommy and Maddy, sitting in the sunshine enjoying dinner while watching the ducks in the water.
After dinner, we decided to walk and see if we could find a duck. We did and luckily Mommy brought an old loaf of bread and Maddy loved it! She was throwing bread to the ducks and saying "Mommy, they quacken me!" There were a few not so pleasant moments when the word started to spread to the geese. I'm convinved most of them are evil and that slow walk they do toward you...I just kept thinking "oh man, this is going to end up on funniest home videos when one of these things chases me into the water." Anyway, we managed to escape and as we walked away, my sweet girl, holding her apple juice said, "Mommy, I happy." I could've died right there. So nice to have a moment like that when it's clear Maddy was appreaciating the moment, only the way a two year old can.
We made it home and I promised her blueberries for dessert. She's obsessed with blueberries and we have to cut her off because I'm afraid she will make herself sick. While I was washing them off, she stopped and said "Mommy, you want to share with me?" Again, could've died. We've really been pushing the sharing concept so that was a great moment.
A great day with quality moments. Happy Friday!

**Update - While I waited to upload these pictures I was in the process of putting Maddy to bed. I gave her a big hug and told her how much fun I had with her today and then asked her if she had fun - she said no. Ugh! Mommy's heart is done melting for the day.

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