Tuesday, April 6, 2010

From Toddler to Preschooler?????

Ok, so I had to post this while it was fresh on my mind. After posting the last entry, I logged out and went into my personal email account that I check maybe twice a week. And in the inbox was an email that said "Your Preschooler this week." WHAT?!?!? I signed up for a weekly email from a baby website while I was pregnant. The emails started with your pregnancy this week and after Maddy was born the emails became your baby this week. Then it became your toddler this week. I was ok with that. Toddler is good. But today's emails says Your PRESCHOOLER this week!!!! Holy cow! My little peanut is a preschooler?? I've been talking about Maddy turning two for a while now and I was suprised that it wasn't really bothering me. Maybe because she seems a little older I had a mental idea that she was already two. But labeling her as a preschooler just hit me like a ton of bricks! Will next week's email say Your Senior in High School this week? Man, I hope not. As much as we talk about the terrible two's and all the heartburn generated, I want to go back to toddler and stay there.

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