Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Camp - in TEXAS!

It's official, Maddy is gone for her 3 week summer camp in Texas. Mom (Nana) landed in Charlotte Wednesday night and took off Thursday morning with Maddy, a car seat, a stroller and a Dora suitcase! We've always known that summers would be split between North Carolina and Texas and once Maddy's school told us that we wouldn't have to pay tuition while she's away, we booked her flight :)

There are lots of exciting events planned during Grandparent summer camp and the best part is that Mommy and Daddy don't have to pay the typical summer activity fee! I'm not sure if she gets a free t-shirt though.

Matt and I have both handled this experience differently. Matt didn't look forward to it - he knows Maddy will have a blast and he's happy that my family is getting some quality time but it's still a LONG time to be without his little Monster. I, on the other hand, planned every last day of the three weeks down to the minute with all the productive things I want to accomplish! Then the time came for her to actually leave and the tables turned a little. What if she gets homesick? What if she really gets sick? What if she gets mad at us when we make her come back home? Is it possible for Nana to keep Maddy on her schedule? All these things hit me in one 24 hour period. I'm sure I was thinking them all along but blocked them out. So, yesterday was a rough day for Mommy and Daddy. Maddy was a trooper at the airport and I actually had to make her kiss me good-bye. 24 hours have past and she has yet to even ask about us. That is great news! While I would love for her to miss me - one of my biggest fears in all of this was that she would get homesick or be sad in some way - so I'm RELIEVED that at least in the short term she could care less that we're not there.

Some people look at me like I'm a horrible person when I say this but it's the truth. You always miss your kids. You don't want to be away from them for extended periods of time but when you get to sleep in an hour later, fold laundry and actually make the bed before work - it feels good! I miss my little peanut but I plan to use this time to recharge, get organized and make time for me/us!

I will continue to post while Maddy's away and update on her adventures (as I hear them) and we'll see if my tune changes over the next few weeks.

Matt and I are headed to the beach tonight with friends for the holiday weekend so I'm hoping that keeps us distracted for a few days :)

Happy Holidays!

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