Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Poop Break

Clearly by the title, this is not one of those blogs everyone will want to read. Actually nobody probably wants to read it but it's just another day with another funny moment I feel like sharing with EVERYONE :) Plus, it will make for a great thing for Matt to read to Maddy's boyfriends one day - isn't that the reason for this blog??????

Today was Wednesday so that means dance. She loves it and walked out of school on her tip toes flapping like a butterfly. We came home and I think Matt and I were both feeling a little lazy so we decided we didn't want to cook and would go out for dinner. It's great now because you can say Maddy do you want chicken or pasta and she will actually tell you what she wants! I love that! Tonight I did not give her a choice but asked her if she wanted a grilled cheese and green beans and she said, "Yes,I do - I want green beans." I also love almost complete sentences. We are past the babble talk at this point and she's stringing together many words which makes life so much easier.

Anyway, we were almost finished with dinner when she pushed her food away and started trying to stand up in the highchair. I did the normal thing which is tell her to sit on her bottom and she said, "No, I trying to poop!" Of course we're in a restaurant with like 5 people so the embarrassment was minimal but still made my face a little red. She then proceeds to grunt as she squats in her chair. It took a while of this process and the whole time she's grunting and saying she's pooping - while we're at the dinner table! Once she finished, she announces that she needs a new diaper. I told her we would get one as soon as we got home (we were like a mile down the road) and she said that she needed one now :) Needless to say, Maddy and I went to the car while Matt paid the bill (I should actually have Maddy use this trick more often :)) It was only once we were in the car with a clean diaper she started to cry because she didn't finish her dinner. Apparently the reason she pushed her food away was not because she was done but because she needed a poop break!

As strange as it is, these are the little moments I was hoping to capture on this blog. How funny that in a few short years my life has gone from Wednesday night karaoke bars to poop breaks during dinner. The best part about that - I wouldn't change one single second of it!

Until the next poop break...

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