Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Daily Report Card

Thanks for the emails and Facebook comments today as Maddy is feeling much better. She went to school today and managed to go all day without a phone call so that was good news. The bad news is that her daily "report card" provided some not so positive feedback. Apparently Maddy was mean to her friends at school today. She is the oldest one in her class so Matt is convinced that she is frustrated that they can't do the things she can do or communicate with her because they're smaller. Regardless of the reason, she is bossy and has started making a habit of the comment on the bottom of the daily report (twice in one week). We both feel comfortable having the school put her in time out because let's face it - trying to discipline a 2 year old six hours after something happens isn't that productive. The teacher says that it was probably a result of her being out a few days. With that I give a big sigh because we leave for Texas tomorrow night and she will not be back in school until Tuesday! Her birthday party at school is next week so let's just hope she can be nice long enough for the other kids to come to her party - I'm making the gift bags and I don't want all those great dollar store toys to go to waste :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So many stories for just one day...

Let me first start with a big "God Bless the stay at home moms!" I've said this before but anyone that says that's not a real job is insane! One day with a sick toddler and I keep thinking to myself, I'm not sure how they do this. My brain is pushed to the limit on these days as I'm constantly forced to be creative, understanding, patient, etc - most of which you can get away with not doing in your work environment on some days :)

Anyway, so we stayed home today with a fever and no other symptoms to explain the fever. Scheduled a doctor's appointment for 11:00 am and of course once we get there she is running circles around the waiting room and turning on the charm that was completely non-existent 30 minutes prior. By the time we get to the Dr, the fever is gone and the doctor gives me that polite "I can't believe you brought your kid in here" smile. Selfishly, we are getting ready to travel and if they were going to load her up on meds, I wanted her to have them now.

One of the interesting moments of the day occurred while we were in the waiting room. You should know that anytime Maddy looks at a man that remotely looks like Matt - she starts asking for Daddy. So, the man is checking his child in at the desk and Maddy looks at him and says, "Where's Daddy?" I explain to her that Daddy's at work, blah, blah and she looks at me, looks at the man and then proceeds to make it known to the 12 other people in the waiting room - "NO, Mommy - him not my daddy!" I wanted to crawl under one of those miniature tables and sit for a bit. Hopefully they noticed the wedding ring on my finger and if not they probably got a giggle out of the fact that my daughter made it look like we were at the pediatrician's office hunting for a daddy :)

Other notable quotes of the day include:

"Look Mommy, a princess." This was in the waiting room and there were princess stickers on the windows. "Maddy, are you a princess?" "No mommy, I not Princess - I BIG GIRL!"

Maddy is running around the bed growling so I ask her what type of Monster she is. No answer. "Maddy, are you a dragon?" "No mommy, I purple dinosaur!"

Love this little girl and her fantastic imagination! A lot of work but being able to sit back at the end of the day and share things like this is the best.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sick little one and doors that lock

This morning we started our day normally but by the time I got Maddy dressed we realized she had a fever and wasn't going anywhere. So Matt and I stood in the kitchen and did the "who's staying home from work" dance. He decided to stay today and if needed, I would stay home tomorrow. I left and went to work as normal and he and Maddy settled in for a sick day. From the looks of things, she appeared to have it pretty good with an entire sofa to herself.

Around 8am my phone rang and he wanted to share a story. Maddy was playing and Matt walked into the garage to get some bird seed for our feeder on the back deck. Sweet thought and good intentions because I'm sure he thought it would be something to occupy her during the day - he could distract her with "Hey Maddy, look at those birds."

So, back to the garage. He walks out there and the next thing he knows the door to the house shuts and he hears it lock. He's now in the garage with no phone and Maddy is inside the house with the door locked! He said he could hear her messing with the door knob but she couldn't figure out how to unlock the door. Long story short - Matt remembered we had a key hidden outside our house and was able to get out of the garage to get the key and then open the door to the house. The day was saved but not without a little panic on both sides of the door! I told Matt I was going to post this on our blog because there has to be someone that's experienced this before...the moment when you realize your toddler is not only tall enough to reach the door knob but smart enough to open/close/lock it! Would love to hear your stories :)

Maddy is still running a fever so no dancing in the kitchen tomorrow morning for Mommy and Daddy - Mommy wins the stay at home card.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It not Rainbow Daddy

So my first few posts will probably be stories from a month ago because that's when the blog idea first started.

A few weeks ago we were sitting in the living room playing with Maddy and her new necklaces that Daddy bought her. It's costume jewelry and she loves them. She has six necklaces - pink, orange, yellow, blue, green and purple. She loves to put them on each of us (including our poor dogs) and tell us how pretty we are but she always wears the purple one and says it's her favorite color. So, the funny part is that she put a blue one on Matt and she was wearing the purple necklace but it was falling and was across her chest diagonally. Matt said, "Come here Rambo and I'll help you with your necklace." Maddy's response, "IT NOT RAINBOW DADDY, IT BLUE" and then pointed to the one he was wearing. Little comments like this make me laugh so hard because she looks at us like we are crazy and it appears she's frustrated to have to deal with our ignorance. She's not even TWO!

Moments like this are the reason for this blog. I immediately think, I can't wait to tell........ And then I never remember or I do but I only tell a few people and forget others. So, hopefully posting as things happen will help to share in all the laughs.