Sunday, August 29, 2010

When you gotta go...

Maddy made it all weekend without a single potty accident so we promised her a prize from the toy store. That just means she gets to go in a pick something out and Mommy has to figure out how to keep her from picking something that costs $50. So, we went to the toy store and she picked out costume jewlery so she could have a ring just like mommy!

After the toy store we decided that while we're in the business of "big girl" moments, let's go buy her toddler bed. Following that purchase in Babies R Us, Maddy says "Mommy, I really need to potty." So, off we go to the parking lot. Parking lot? Yes, a great idea my mom gave me about traveling with the potty while she's still learning because Maddy's still a little scared of the big toilets in public restrooms and frankly, so am I.

So, here we are in the parking lot having a potty break. She actually thought it was cool and I had to make her hurry because I was about to cook in the sun :)

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