Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On the move...

Hannah Dean is on the move! 

She's been "walking" for a couple of weeks at school but for some reason, refused to walk at home.  Maddy has been walking with her and today she took off!!!! Not really a middle ground.  Seemed like it was overnight but she is off and running and is SO proud of herself.  Big Sister Maddy was definitely the motivator.  There are just some things that only Maddy can do and this was one of them.  We have now gone from a crawling baby that is into everything to a walking toddler that's really into everything.  Let the madness begin!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Maddy - 4 year check up

Today was Maddy's 4 year check up and everything went great!  Our pediatrician likes to get as much done at this appointment to prepare for Pre-K and Kindergarten in advance.  I'm grateful for that approach but it made for a long appointment and 3 shots!  In addition to the shots, Maddy also had her first vision and hearing exam.  She passed with flying colors and impressed the nurse with some of her picture recognition.  The doctor also played lots of "brain games" with Maddy to make sure she is on track developmentally and everything went great with that.  Maddy thought it was silly.  Stats are below but Maddy is still our little peanut with weight and height continuing to be in the 25%-50% range.  She is happy and healthy and apparently has AMAZING metabolism. 

Height: 38 1/2 inches
Weight: 31.2 pounds (gained 1 pound since last year's appt)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ugh - this parenting stuff is hard

First the good news:
Hannah Dean graduated this week to the toddler room at school. So, it's been a busy week for her. She's gone from napping whenever she gets fussy to 1 nap a day on a cot instead of in the crib. This is big! She plays hard all day and goes outside once in the morning and once in the afternoon. It's apparently exhausting because we've struggled to keep her up until 6pm each night this week. Exciting but yet another reminder that my baby isn't really in the "baby" category anymore.

Now the bad news:
Maddy May got in trouble for misbehaving today at school. Of the 5 people that read this, I'm sure someone is laughing right now but the truth is this is very upsetting for us because we have the kid that's always good! Don't get me wrong, she has her moments, but in general she is very well behaved. Well behaved is not exactly the phrase her teacher used this afternoon. So, here is the challenge...How in the world do you "punish" a 4-year old? We can't send her to her room where they are WAY too many distractions. We can't tell her to sit on the couch because, let's be honest, that would drive us crazy. She's a little old for time out. SO, we ended up with no dessert after dinner and going to be 30 minutes earlier than normal. I'm almost 100% sure it made no difference but it least it made us feel like we were doing SOMETHING. Suggestions that don't involve a call to CPS are welcome!

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from the Hecht girls!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Maddy May!

To my peanut,

Today is your 4th birthday and I can't even begin to imagine where the time has gone. I know it only moves faster from here so I'm trying to soak it all in. We love you so much and cannot even think about what our lives would be like without the light you bring in. You are smart, funny, sassy and a tad bit emotional. I predict you will be our sensitive one. Your beautiful green eyes twinkle when you are excited. You love to sing and dance, even when there is no music to be heard. You make your own and we love that about you. You continue to be very independent and only want to try something when YOU are ready. Here lately we have noticed that you are wanting to try more and more new things. Some of your fear is gone and for that we are grateful and a little terrified. Just this last week you announced that you are bored with the 3-year old classroom and ready to move to high school. You've also starting expressing some interest in Justin Bieber. Both of these things make Mommy and Daddy want to cry! You are the best big sister to Hannah Dean. Her eyes light up when you walk in the room and that means that you are very special to her. There are some days when you are the only one that can make her happy. I'm proud of you and how you are adjusting to being the big sister.

No matter how big you think you will always be Mommy's peanut and Daddy's monster. ALWAYS! We love you more than you will ever know and are so grateful to have you.

We love you,
Mommy, Daddy and Hannah Dean