Well I’m happy to report that we have a happy, healthy 6 month old baby. Today was Hannah’s 6 month well visit and we survived. She is doing great and growing just perfectly. Almost all of her more recent milestones have been reached within the last 3 weeks. Rolling both directions, sitting up without assistance, putting herself to sleep and sleeping through the night. She is also rocking on her knees and hands so it’s just a matter of time before she starts to crawl. She has two teeth and the doctor says it’s possible she could have 6 more by the time we visit next time in November. This makes my head want to explode but we will hope for the best! She had to have 3 shots today and had a fever within an hour but she’s had Tylenol and a little nap and seems to be just fine.
Her eczema is still bad and they recommended olive oil today so that should be interesting. It’s also possible that she’s allergic to sweet potatoes but we will try again in a couple of weeks to see if maybe it was just a coincidence. There are definitely worse things but a life without sweet potatoes just doesn’t seem like much fun to me J They think we should continue the special formula instead of trying to get her on the “normal” formula. We are going to take this advice because the benefit of saving a few dollars a can isn’t worth the nightmare we remember with the original formula. Everyone we meet says “she’s the happiest baby!” Knowing what a rough time Hannah (and mommy & daddy) has had – this statement is music to my ears! She seems to have really turned the corner and we are so grateful.
All in all, a great doctor visit with a star patient! Stats are as follows:
Weight – 16 pounds, 1 ounce (50-75%)
Height – 25 3/8 inches (25-50%) ***I’m sure that Matt wants everyone to know she is closer to 50% than 25%. He thinks Hannah will be the tall one J
Head – 42 cm (50-75%)