Monday, August 13, 2012

Hecht Family Summer Vacation - 2012

We just returned from our summer vacation and it was definitely an adventure.  Here are some highlights and photos to help tell the story.

Sunday, 8/5/12 - 10+ hour car ride to our first stop at GiGi's house in Port St. Lucie, Florida.  Both girls were real troopers and the trip was relatively uneventful.

Monday - Left GiGi's house for the 45 minute drive to West Palm Beach, Florida.  We stayed at a great resort right on the beach.  Maddy had her own bed but was only able to sleep in for a couple of hours before the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the hotel at 11:30 pm.  False alarm but added a little excitement to the evening.

Tuesday - Spent most of the day at the beautiful beach with a great set up.  Spent our evening with a nice dinner, fountains and ice cream!

Wednesday - Spent our morning at the beach again.  Both girls are TERRIFIED of the water so this was as close as we got without a complete meltdown.  Later that evening we drove a short distance to Del Ray Beach to have dinner with Uncle Lou and play Putt Putt Golf.  Mommy got a hole in one - just saying.

Thursday - We decided we were DONE with the beach.  So, we visited a Nature Center in Boca Raton.  It was great.  HOT but great.  This place rehabilitates injured sea turtles and helps get baby sea turtles ready for ocean life.  After spending a considerable amount of time cooling off, we ended our night with a great dinner, more fountains and rides on the carousal!

Friday - We said goodbye to our great hotel and headed back to GiGi's house for another quick visit.  We loved being able to spend some time with her and she cooked us two AMAZING dinners during both visits.  We left GiGi's house around 1am Saturday and arrived back in Charlotte at 10am Saturday morning.  Long trip but both girls were great!  We are still recovering but so happy to have made so many great memories with our girls. 

**Check out our photo website for more photos from our trip.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heavy Heart

My heart is heavy today as my family gathers to say goodbye to Grandad and I'm 1,000 miles away (literally).  I know that Grandad is in such a wonderful place having the best reunion imaginable.  All the people he has loved and lost and now together again.  Ganny, Mindy, Phillip and others.  All of them standing together again and that is a wonderful thought.  I'm sorry that I'm not there to support my family today and say a proper goodbye.  However, I know I will see Grandad again someday and can join in this reunion. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer Fun!

We have been very lucky to spend a few days this summer in the pool!  Kenny and Cristina have invited us over to enjoy the water.  Maddy has finally turned a corner and is "swimming" and Hannah just prefers to snack poolside. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday night excitement

Well, our Thursday night was interesting.  I'm sick so I was locked in our bedroom and Matt was taking care of the girls. Once the girls went to bed, he went outside to do some yard work and I went into the kitchen to eat dinner.  The next thing I know, Maddy is coming around the corner in tears and with panic on her face.  "Mom, I have one of these stuck in my nose!"  WHAT!?!?!  So she showed me this little gemstone and said the other one was up her nose.  At first I thought maybe she was wrong but sure enough, she had a little gemstone up her left nostril.  Good grief!  So I SCREAMED for Matt who came in with a flashlight and tweezers to save the day (night).  It was WAY up there but he was able to slowly remove it and save us a trip to the ER.  Definitely got our blood pumping and sufficiently scared the !@#$ out of Maddy.  Still can't get a straight story on how it actually happened but hopefully a lesson learned. I'm hoping the weekend is a little less eventful. 

The one on the left was the one in her nose

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hannah Dean - 15 month visit

Hannah's 15 month check up was today and she passed with flying colors.  She is definitely starting to realize what the doctor is all about so that made the trip a little more challenging.  Hannah is now shaking her head yes and no and signs for 2-3 words which is nice because we feel like we know what she needs a little more than before.  She doesn't say much but it's clear she is comprehending lots of things so that is great.  Her eyes are still a beautiful blue so we're hoping they stick around!  2 shots this time followed by a guilt trip for Mommy.  Her scream was not one of pain but ANGER.  This was one time I'm glad I didn't know what she was thinking because I have a feeling it would not have ended well for me.  Having said that, she seemed to rebound quickly and didn't really have any side effects so that's a good thing.  Measurements are below - right on track.

Weight - 24 inches (70%)
Height - 30 1/2 inches (50%)

Monday, May 7, 2012


Maddy's dance recital was Friday and she did great! It was tap this year and her song was "Uptown Girl."  So fun!  Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Mitch all were able to be there and Daddy brought her flowers to celebrate.   

Dress Rehearsal on Thursday

The big night!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On the move...

Hannah Dean is on the move! 

She's been "walking" for a couple of weeks at school but for some reason, refused to walk at home.  Maddy has been walking with her and today she took off!!!! Not really a middle ground.  Seemed like it was overnight but she is off and running and is SO proud of herself.  Big Sister Maddy was definitely the motivator.  There are just some things that only Maddy can do and this was one of them.  We have now gone from a crawling baby that is into everything to a walking toddler that's really into everything.  Let the madness begin!